March 28th Construction Update

March 28, 2022

Good afternoon,

Please note that on Thursday, March 31 the project will be completing the pouring of concrete for the basement of the new parking garage. Given the significant size of this pour, the requirement for it to be continuously poured, and to complete the work by a reasonable time on Thursday evening, the work is commencing at 6 am on Thursday

This work will result in higher than usual truck traffic on site. To manage the traffic, the safety of the Sterling/Perth intersection, and to ensure that the trucks exit to Dundas Street and not north to Bloor Street, there will be dedicated flag people stationed around the site entrance managing traffic.




Enbridge is currently onsite installing new services that will extend under the new section of Perth Avenue. After completing a portion of their work, Enbridge discovered some damage caused to Perth Avenue. To repair the damage and ensure no further impact, Enbridge will be closing a portion of Perth Avenue (south of 13 Perth to Sterling/Perth intersection) from 7 am to 5 pm on Tuesday, March 29th. This closure will not affect vehicular or pedestrian access to any homes along Perth more than it currently is today. Appropriate signage will be installed to direct traffic during this time.
