July 30th Construction Update

July 30, 2021

Good morning,

Construction activity is progressing well on both the office building construction and the road realignment/park works, despite the significant amounts of rain we’ve gotten in July. For the building construction, the focus is still on ground improvements. On the subdivision improvements, dewatering equipment has been installed and is being tested in advance of the soil remediation required on the lands immediately south of the E/W portion of Perth Avenue and the WTRP connection.

Regarding truck activity on Sterling Road, as mentioned in a previous update, there is a large sinkhole that has formed on Sterling Road in front of Ethica Coffee that is preventing us from directing truck traffic south to Dundas St. We are in regular communication with the city and the Councillor’s office to ensure this is repaired as soon as possible so trucks can once again be directed away from Sterling/Bloor.

Lastly, this is just a notice that there will be no major construction activities onsite this holiday Monday.    

Thanks and have a great long weekend,

